Personal blogs


November French Gautier report !

Here we are, 2 month and half passed since the beginning of our volunteering.
As some people knows, november was full of different events. Most of them was artistics, realised with the help of the volunteers, workers and people involved in Ostriga's place supported by Zavodo'o.

One of my big wish was to bring an authentic ambiance to the main concert's room of Ostriga. After many talks and exchange, we define that the main theme of the painting will be sort of mayan aquatic jungle, what a theme !

First of all, we needed to make a first layer, light blue and yellow was the choice. Considering the amount of work, i couldn't do it alone, of course. Like heros, my EVS flatmates and local volunteers guys from Skofja Loka joined us to realise it. Here you can appreciate this sweety video made by Peter that show how we maid it.
I with other people helping also made the wood radiator protection.

What a wonderful result.

6th of november, the jam session is planed and everything is ok, except that on the 5 painters expected we are just 3. Topaz from France, Timolo from Slovenia and me from France too, the amount of painting was a lot just for 3 guys. Then the D-day, Uros, a Timolo friend joined us, that was perfect !
We started at 10am and after a wholeday painting, breathing paints (we had protections, don't worry, we were safe), coloured hairs, and new clothes style, the work was made and the result is so sick !
One more video made by Topaz, for your pleasure guys.

"French breaktime meeting"

JAM SESSION graffiti video :

Work finished ! Winner team :D

We don't have to forget the wonderful Alenka's owl, colourful and peaceful, watching you during the partys, be careful ;)


This is done, after that event i had to learn to be a dj, a DUB rubba dub dubby dj. Obviously i never played music front of people, it's a challenge. The music playlist, decoration, preparation, spirit lion, everything had to be ready. And everything was ready.

Aproximately 100 people was here for the party, and as i saw from my dj place, they enjoyed it.
It was an awesome experience, the dub session vol. 2 will probably appear during the spring, stay aware !

 Every month we go to the different EVS's workplace to participate to their activities or to make our own. I created a graffiti workshop for them, first demonstration in PUM with Francesco followed by BLOK with Greta and finishing by Skrlovec with Mery.

It was the first step, i plan to organise a huge wall painting with the whole daily care center during the sprinf, one more time, stay aware in touch !

Paint paint and more painting, Narnija, the Ostriga's backstage room needed a new face, a new body, a new design. Consequently i brought my imagination with me and followed the instructions : « try to make it brighter », then i made it brighter …

Last project of the month is the first Ostriga's corridor, and mind what, he needs a new design too ! I'm in … ! This place will be use for paint and pictures exposition, you will enjoy the result when you'll come here, don't forget to offer beers <3

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